In association with Aviva Community Fund 2017
Wouldn't it be nice
if every school in the UK offered a place for parents to receive advice,
support and information that contributed to their well-being? The Aviva Community Fund which launched on the 12th of September can help make this possible. If there
is a project in your local community that you are extremely passionate about,
why not try and secure funding to put towards that important cause, following
in the footsteps of Coedffranc Primary School. Over the last year, Coedffranc
primary school has been running a family room after being awarded funding
through the Aviva Community Fund in 2016. This buzzing hub
of engagement, education and activity has become an important part of life for
the entire school community and families. The funding helped the school to
purchase everyday objects that help in the running of these classes making an
extraordinary difference. So what exactly is the Family room? The family room is a free program
run by members of staff providing a variety of courses including Cookery and
Healthy Eating, Food Safety, Parent Nurture Programmes, Paediatric First Aid,
Butterfly Project and Childcare Level one to parents and children. Even
something as simple as Family learning together sessions are offered which
gives the children and their families a chance to explore and grow together by
visiting different places like Margam Park. These different courses are crucial
to health, for example Food Safety. It is important for parents and children to
understand how their behavior, hygiene and handling during food preparation
affects the safety of their food as well as gaining confidence in the kitchen.
These things may seem fairly obvious to some but when the education is there at
your disposal, why not take it? We all know that we need to eat a balanced diet
but how many of us actually know what that means? This is where Coedffranc
Primary School's healthy eating classes come in. These classes allow children
and their parents to put the nutrition education they learn in class to the
test in real life situations. This also encourages the children to make better
food choices as they grow up and this education leads far beyond the classroom.
The Family room is becoming an integral part of the school community with over 2000 uses of the courses and sessions on offer. This shows what a big difference the Aviva Community Fund makes. It has contributed massively to the growth of courses and sessions, has helped parents to gain confidence, self esteem, appreciate diversity as well as develop new skills. Some have utilised these new found skills and gone on to college or employment which is absolutely incredible. All these things have been possible because of the Aviva Community Fund. As the Family Room courses at Coedffranc Primary school continue to grow, the children and their parents grow with it. This year's courses have expanded to Health as well as British Sign Language. They will also be starting recipe swapping classes in promotion of healthy eating as requested by the parents.
For local projects, an ordinary thing can
mean everything, but funding may be a challenge.
That’s where the Aviva Community Fund 2017
comes in, supporting good ideas making a real difference where it matters most.
Aviva is offering four funding levels, from
up to £1,000 to £25,000. To apply for funding, just tell Aviva how your project
will make a positive change in one of these categories:
Health and wellbeing
Skills for life
Community support
You’ll need votes to get your project to
the finals, so start rallying friends, family and neighbours now! However, Aviva knows how much work it can
take for volunteers in smaller projects to pull their entries together and
rally voters.
Most smaller projects ask for funding up to
£1,000, so to recognise all their hard work, Aviva will automatically give the
first 200 projects to reach 1,000 votes in this funding level the funding they
ask for. If you’re one of the lucky 200 projects, Aviva will let you know. If
you’re not one of those 200 projects, you’re still in with a chance of winning
your funding.
To get involved, submit a project or vote
Entries opened on 12th September, closing dates for entries on 10th October
Nokhuthula xo
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