Spicy Sweet Potato, Lentil & Pea Soup

Hello earthlings, it's only me! I'm still alive, just been buried under a big pile of books the past couple of days. You see, I've got a Human Anatomy and Physiology Exam coming up, well in 10 days to be exact but who's counting. Let's be honest, revision is not exactly the most exhilarating experience but hey, it's got to be done. Once my exam is done, I'll start working through my back log of easy recipes that I've been meaning to share. As you can imagine, exam season is a bit dull so in between revisions, I've been working out a lot and of course indulging in delicious, nourishing comfort food. This sweet potato and pea soup is rich in flavour, low in calories, a good source of Dietary Fibre, it's a great way to get in some of your five a day and is easy to make. Serve with a slice of crusty bread and you've got yourself moments of bliss.
Prep time: 5 mins                                                                                              Cooking time: 40 mins
Serves: 5 

* If you don't like it spicy, skip the fresh chilli and chilli flakes.
What you need:

2 medium sized sweet potatoes, chopped into cubes
I cup carrots, chopped into small pieces
1 cup green peas
1 fresh hot chilli, sliced
1 cup lentils
1 tbsp olive oil
1 medium diced onion
3 cups vegetable stock
3 cups water
1/2 tspn chilli flakes
1 tspn garlic powder
1 tspn ground basil
1 tspn ground black pepper


  1. Over low heat, add oil, sweet potatoes, carrots, onions, chilli, spices and herbs into a large pot and stir until mixed well.
  2. Add peas, lentils, water and stock. Raise heat then bring to boil. 
  3. Reduce heat back to low and simmer for 1 hour.
  4. Serve.

But where's the salt coming from? Stock Cubes, yes dear friends, stock cubes are a high salt product contributing a whopping 90% of salt in this dish. Now do you really think you need to add extra salt. No you do not. 

But what about the sugars? Onions, they are contributing 60% of the total sugars in this dish, with sweet potatoes coming in at second place contributing 18% of the total sugars. 

Hope you're having a wonderful week!
Nokhuthula xo 

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