Back in November 2017, an email from BBC Wales dropped into my inbox. I thought to myself, why on earth would the BBC be contacting little ol' me.? Turns out they were launching something new this year and they wanted to work with me and a friend of mine (Erica, pictured right). I'm currently studying a course that leads me to my dream job and now I've been given the chance to work with the BBC. How on earth do things like this happen to me? I'm just extremely grateful. I've been dying to share this news with you guys, it feels so good to let the cat out of the bag. We had our very first filming shoot on Wednesday and I think it went well. Obviously we were shaking like leaves the first few takes but after a while, we really got into it and actually had a great time.
Never realised just how fun filming with the BBC could be, especially if you're doing it with a good friend. Here's a mini vlog of our first day made by
Erica. Want to know more? Read on..
But don't worry, I'm still going to be focusing on my studies and of course making time to blog. So here are a few photos we snapped at the shoot. Unfortunately I can't reveal too much about the actual content, will be sure to let you guys know as soon as its released.
So here's to an exciting new chapter!
Nokhuthula xo
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