Bean and Legume Filling

They make a crazy good sandwich filling like this one. Legumes are among some of the most versatile foods and includes vegetables like peas, lentils and beans. They come fresh, dried or canned which is great. I tend to buy them canned in water as its just more convenient. As for beans, I love all kinds, butter beans, red kidney beans, chickpeas. In case you haven't noticed, I use bean in a lot of my cooking, mainly because of their health benefits.


1/2 cup chickpeas

1/2 cup peas

1/2 cup string beans

1/2 cup red kidney beans

1/4 red bell pepper finely chopped

1/2 cup chopped spinach

2 tbs sweet chilli sauce

1 tsp mixed hebs

1 tsp Black pepper


In a medium bowl, mix all ingredients until combined. Fill your sandwich and enjoy.

If you give any of my recipes a try, let me know.
Nokhuthula xo 

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